Today I received some dates for seminars that I should attend. These are to do with the School of Computing Research Seminars and the University of Portsmouth, (UoP), Computing Seminars. They are the first things in my diary! According to my supervisor I need to go and get ready to present stuff in them myself...... As a couple of the ones that are already filled have Professors as speakers I think that this may be a bit daunting. I reckon it is quite likely that I will be ready to do this and I think that this will be a good training ground for me as I learn how to lecture and then stand up at conferences and extoll the virtues of our work...
Yes, lecturing. I will have to run lectures sometimes, this sounds a bit scary at the moment, but as I am self-funding this doctorate, any cash flow is greatly received! (Perhaps I should put a "Donate using PayPal" button here. Only joking.