I had thought that a Beaglebone Black would be a great bit of kit to use for this project. I ordered one from RS Components in May of this year and they had none in stock so I went on the back order list. Arriving in September I was told. Great, just the right time as this would give me a bit of time to play with it before getting stuck in to the research side of things. I checked in August that all was OK by looking at my account online and the date had slipped to October 7th. Not a problem but a bit annoying, I must have missed the email letting me know about the slippage. Never mind, still plenty of time to play and learn the system. Last week I looked at my account again to confirm that nothing had changed. But now however, without letting me know that anything was changed again, the delivery date would now be February 2015. Now, this slippage is bad enough, but the main annoyance is the total lack of notification that there was a problem from RS. So I have decided to cancel the order and use my Arduino Mega and my Pi to get the system working instead. I fill out a form letting them know that I do not want to wait till February 2015 for my Beaglebone and that I want my money back. Guess what, nothing from RS again. Customer care has become customer don't care so I have placed my last order with them. This is a complete farce and if anyone asks me for advice about who to buy kit from will be told that I might not know who to get something from but I do know who NOT to buy things from. Yes, RS Components.